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Monsieur Inwood

The Unknown Soldier and the Uniforms


The Unknown Soldier and the Uniforms

Unknown Soldier

My dear readers,

Under the Triumphal Arch is buried an Unknow Soldier under the sacred tombstone, its epitath engraved « here lies a french soldier dead for homeland 1914-1918. »

It is a tribute and a symbol for all soldiers dead for France.

Since 1923, a Sacred and eternal Flames prang up this tomb, remomering that thanks to this soldiers, we are living today the longest period of peace in our country history. Every 8th of may and 11th november, dates of two world war armistic, we are having few nights in Derby Alma to assisst at commemoration to rekindle this flame.

With time, I was able to do a parallel between war and what the hotel Le Derby Alma inspire me.

Military fashion

We just need to enter the hotel to be soaked by Haute Couture universe.

For me, military clothes always been created following near the same approach as the one we are still having today about fashion and design.

At the origin, this clothes were produce to distinguish the « war men » from the civilians. We can find out some suprising and original outfits at the Renaissance period: large hats crowned by long plumes, doublets handles andmany colored hoses. From hungarian hussars to 20th century soldiers, a search of taste and practicality shaped all the militaries clothes.

An other link I can note with fashion industry is the organization of show (as for national holidays) where habits and customs are quite the same.

My dear readers, Napoléon Bonaparte did ask a question that I still remind : « What becomes the man from his uniform ? »

See you soon !

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From July 26 to August 11 and from August 28 to September 8, our Parisian hotels are organizing their own games, with many pizes to be won, including Aurélie Bidermann bracelets and Poiray watches worth €2,190

At Inwood Hotels, everyone wins, as part of tickets are turned into donations for a disability sport program called “Association Sportive Handi Jeunes de Paris”.