A Sensational Site
My dear readers,
It is important for me to share with you an institution that has been promoting since 1986 the scientific, technical and industrial culture: La Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie.
This unique place specialized in the diffusion of the discovery of sciences, society, technologies arouses the interest of the children as well as adults.
Located in the heart of the Parc de la Villette in Paris, the establishment makes accessible to everyone knowledge of a universal value. Discover in a fun and interesting way the world that surrounds us is the ultimate goal of the Cité des Sciences et de l’Industrie.
The adventurers, the explorers will not be disappointed with the great choice that will be offered to them. Exhibitions, unusual experiences, scientific library, planetarium, cinema have been made available for the most curious.
A masterpiece
It was for me, a real pleasure to be able to discover the different spaces of this City of Sciences and Industry.
Always in search of new experiences, I knew this spectacular place a few years ago and it seems to me ideal to deepen my knowledge.
I remember discovering with astonishment La Géode: gigantic sphere, extraordinary cinema room. It was created by the architect Adrien Fainsilber and the engineer Gérard Chamayou.
The innovative architecture of this legendary dome and its 36 meters diameter quickly caught my attention. It is a masterpiece of architecture with its thousands of triangles in steel in which we can see the reflection of the Vilette site and clouds.
I invite you, my kind readers, to explore this site that will surprise you!
See you soon!