A fashion accessory
My dear readers,
From May 18, you can attend the exhibition Jewellery and Taboos at the Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris. This exhibition gathers more than 300 jewels of artists and jewelers from all walks of life to deal with taboos that have been linked to jewelry.
We will find a construction around four themes : identity, value, body and rite in order to present how the jewelry may have disturbed society; wheter they are considered too feminine, too precious, decorative, corporeal or primitive, they have for years distracted manners and made scandal by outrage a population may be a little too conservative.
Jewelry is therefore today a fashion accesory, supposed to highlight the person and his style according to the way she dresses.
But beyond that, jewelery has always been a symbol with several functions: a social function, to demonstrate its status, an identity function, to claim its belonging to a group or an ideology, a magico-religious function conferring a therapeutic or supertitious power to the people who wear them, a utilitarian function, to facilitate our life, and of course, a sentimental function that I do not think I need to present.
A parallel
It was difficult for me to make a connection with Medusa, one of the gorgonians of Greek mythology: an evil creature whose gaze petrified the people who met him.
According to the versions, this girl was so proud of her beauty and her hair that she dared to challenge Athena, the goddess of wisdom and military strategy, who changed her look and her hair into a serpent.To make the parallel with jewelry, these are a way of getting noticed and sublimating, which can disturb some people who make a taboo, probably from jealousy.
My dear readers, jewels are to woman what the car is to man, separable to beauty, almost indispensable to seduction.
See you soon!