« You probably know him. He is our first ambassador. Monsieur Inwood accepted to answer our questions, discover with us who this enigmatic and charming
men is. »
Could you describe yourself?
Hello, first, I would like to tell you… As I do not want to reveal my identity, I will introduce myself as Monsieur Inwood.
I grew up as an only child, son of a lawyer father and a dancer mother. So it is true that I lived in a paradoxical universe I must say, in the way my father represented rigor and my mother passion. But I grew up with this love for beautiful things, so much that today, some people consider me as an aesthete! I work today as a designer and architect.
What does it involve to be a designer and architect?
First professionally, it is a work that requires a lot of time. But mostly, it a fascinating work! If there is one thing I like the most, it is architecture. You know, it is a creative universe which asks a lot of conscientiousness. It matches with my personality. Moreover, this work allows me to be happy because it lets my creativity talk. I can choose the colors of the fabrics, create an atmosphere…
As you explained, you never reveal your identity, why?
Well, to be honest since I was young, I always wanted to be known for what I do and not for what I became. It is quite a philosophy I am following since I am a child. So it is true that I prefer my lectors to be focused on what I read rather than on my person. After that, I am absolutely not seeking for fame, so it is also a reason why I do not reveal my identity.
Why did you choose Inwood Hotels?
Please, let me tell you something. When I arrived at the hotel Le Derby Alma for the first time, I was impressed. I was in love with the Haute Couture world. It is at this moment I knew I wanted to be part of the Inwood adventure! Most seriously, I love French Arts of Living, they are part of me. And Inwood share them to, I could not say no when they suggested me to represent the brand. For me, the Inwood Hotels represent so well Paris and its culture that I was obliged to say yes.
Does our brand represent you?
Yes totally, but I hope I am a good ambassador of Inwood too. So your group represents the Arts of Living and as I said, I share them too. But furthermore, I am an Art passionate. It is the reason why I love to immerse myself in the atmosphere of Le Derby Alma. What characterizes me the most is the possibility to live in symphony with these Arts of Living. So it is above all on a cultural level that the brand and I are close.
You are our first ambassador, why did you choose this role?
I wanted to represent the Inwood clients. But more than only representing them, I want overall to share with them. I love the idea that passionate people can meet around common values as writing or fashion for example! So yes, it is this will to share, to create a real link with customers that mostly leads me to represent the brand and its customers. My nickname is “Monsieur Inwood”, I am a client that never gets bored of Inwood Hotels. So I think I can handle that role.
So are you writing for the brand?
Yes that’s it! I write on the websites, on the one of the hotel Le Derby Alma. You can find them in the “News” section. You know, I really love what I do, it allows me to express myself on themes I appreciate, I can write about inspiring themes. But writing is more than that, it is a freedom, a sort of release. I am always trying to give to my readers something real, share with them my experiences. That is communication! And I really think that the possibility to share with my readers is my biggest will.
What is your most beautiful memory in this city?
Paris is a city full of memories. But with no hesitation, my most wonderful memory was my first meeting with Elena. It was a year ago, during the All Nighter in Paris. I was looking at the crowd that surrounded me. It is at that moment that I saw her. She was also looking at me. So I decided to take my bravery by two hands and go talk to her. But the crowd took me away and I did not see her again. At the end of the night, when I was walking home I heard her saying “My name is Elena”.
How do you characterize your inspirations?
I must say that I have various inspirations. I write about very vast subjects. It may be about an exhibition or a work or either a dressmaker piece. And, generally, no matters about the subjects. What matter to me the most, it is the passion we share by writing. I have to say that writing is special for me, when I was young, it allowed me to escape from the real world.
Who is you favourite designer?
Well, I really like Lanvin’s brand. For me, its new artistic director, Bouchra Jarrar creates wonders.
« Monsieur Inwood, we thank you for answering all our questions. We would also like to thank you for having joined our group one year ago,
it is always a pleasure.»